To get the final answer we need to put the worded parts back together The trick is that the second block from the right gets "thousand" added to it, the second gets "million," the third, "billion," and so forth Going back to our example, 3 becomes "three million," and 251 becomes "two hundred fiftyone thousand"Two hundred 300 Three hundred 400 Four hundred 500 Five hundred 600 Six hundred 666 Six hundred and sixtysix 700 Seven hundred 777 Seven hundred and seventyseven 800 Eight hundred 900 Nine hundred 1,000 One thousand 1,001 One thousand and one 1,010 One thousand and ten 1,011 One thousand and eleven 1,024 One thousand and twentyfour 1,100 One thousand one hundred 1,101 One thousand one hundred and oneList of Ordinal Numbers in Malay Malay Ordinal numbers tell the order of things in a set first, second, third, etc Ordinal numbers do not show quantity They only show rank or position Below is a list of the Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal...